We had a blast participating alongside 38 teams in this year’s 2023 Champion of the Crescent paddleboard race, both as a Fun Zone Sponsor and as a competing team. Congrats to the Surrey Fire Fighters for winning the well-deserved first place! As for our team, we won the best team tent for our Hawaiian Houle-a theme. Additionally, we came in a close second place for our creative team outfit.
Now in its fourth year, this annual event, hosted by the Surrey Hospitals Foundation, raises awareness and funds to support youth mental health and this year raised a record total of $265,200! Proceeds will go towards important youth mental health initiatives including the new Child and Youth Mental Health Transition Team, and specialty therapy programs that will help bridge hospital and community services and provide better care for the community.

At Houle, our purpose is to create opportunity, enrich lives, and bring communities to life. This means caring about the people that share their lives with us. We understand the importance of supporting youth mental health as it empowers future generations. Together, we can work to create a brighter future where young individuals can thrive, succeed, and prioritize wellbeing.
A big thanks to Surrey Hospitals Foundation for hosting another successful event and for bringing us together to stand up for youth mental health.
To read more, visit https://www.surreyhospitalsfoundation.com/blog/champion-of-the-crescent-raises-265200-for-youth-mental-health-programs-in-surrey/